Brooklyn Bridge Condos – 2

So, it’s been just over seven months since I posted a comparison of the view from the promenade, back when the cold storage warehouse, and in January with the Pierhouse condos at the state they were back then. Since January there have been campaigns and news articles about the loss of an “iconic” view of the Brooklyn Bridge and financial district.

Save-the-view ( has recently discovered documentation that shows the original height design was not adhered to.

So how badly has the view been ruined. Take a look for yourself with this comparison below.

Use the slider to compare the two.


And how much has the view changed since January:

Why Having Different Passwords Matter.

317657937_4595dfcff6For years, myself and many people I know used a fairly simple password strength hierarchy.  You had a simple password for all those forum sites, and unimportant websites.  You had a more complex password for sites that probably involved transactions, maybe your utility company, or Amazon.  Finally, you had a top-level password reserved for bank or credit card website access, which probably exceeded 12 characters and had punctuation and mixed-case letters.  The rationale was that if someone hacked one of the lower-level passwords, they would only have access to some special interest group forum, and who cared about that, you could always reset the password.

But here’s why we are wrong.  You see, most websites use an email / password combination, and what works on one site, works on another.  You may think that even if they get my password by hacking one site, how are they going to guess which other sites I’m a member of.  You think this because you’re imagining that there’s some bored hacker teenager staying up all night entering your email / password combination into a couple of key sites.  But he doesn’t exist.  Your details are fed into a complex network of computers that are trying your combination into thousands, if not millions of sites.  And, when a match is found, your details are stored in a database and sold to other hackers and organizations.  So that little forum that was run by a part-time enthusiast, who didn’t have time to implement complex security on the storage of passwords to his forum becomes ground zero for a sequence of attempted logins on websites around the world.

This is why you should have a different password for every site you visit or require registration on.

I’ll repeat that.  This is why you should have a different password for every site you visit or require registration on.  It’s important because, just like dominoes, once one site is compromised, every other site will fall.

Arguably, the best solution is to have password manager take care of all your passwords for you.  I’ve been recommended Dashlane by many people who’s opinions I respect. But, there are still aspects to this that cause concern. You are putting all your eggs in one basket with password managers. If someone cracks that nut, they get everything. I know it’s unlikely to happen, but it’s still a risk, especially as password managers now work in the cloud, enabling you to have your password management work across multiple devices, and we all know how secure the cloud is proving to be.

No.  I think the solution for the more paranoid amongst us is to maintain a system for having unique passwords for every site, but create a method for minimizing the amount of information to have to remember.

So how do you go about devising a scheme?  For this we need to understand a little about how passwords are stored in most online databases, which control your access rights to websites.  Typically, your plain-text password is converted into an encrypted hash.  In the past, this might have been MD5, but that’s been proven to be not as secure as previously thought.  It’s successor SHA1 has been replaced with the even more secure SHA2.  Both the SHA algorithms were produced by the NSA, which might give you some cause for concern, but peer review seems to indicate that they are secure.  What a hash algorithm does is convert your password into a long, unique string of ASCII characters.  For every password you use, a different hash is produced.  Now, there is a small problem with this.  If you acquire the plain-text password and its corresponding hash, you can search for that hash in another website’s database and be able to decode the hash.  This is because the hash for a specific password will always be the same.  In fact, there are many websites devoted to storing MD5 hashes, which you can look up a hash and get its plan-text string. You’d be surprised how many MD5 hashes are on these sites.  The recommended method for obscuring these hashes is a technique called “salting”.  Salting adds an additional string to your password before converting it to a hash, and storing it in the database.  This means that the hash produced is doubly obfuscated, and the same hash value stored in two separate databases will be different even though they represent the same plain-text password.

Using the method of salting as inspiration, it is possible to design a personal password system that is easy to remember but very difficult to crack.

Here’s how you start.  Pick a phrase or collection of words (minimum of 3), use title case, that is make the first letter of each word upper-case.  Add a couple of numbers, and a special character (something like an exclamation point, hyphen, or curly bracket.  You should end up with something like this: PurpleFriendlyWombat37!  You can decide how to mix up the words, numbers, and punctuation yourself.  Better yet, add punctuation to the whole phrase.  Whatever you decide on, just make sure you can remember it.  This is actually a lot easier than you think.  Now here’s the twist, the salt so as to speak.  Now you’re going to add the name of the website to your password root.  Let’s say it’s America Online, or “AOL”.  For AOL your password would be “PurpleFriendlyWombat37!AOL“, or to mix it up further perhaps “PurpleAOLFriendlyWombat37!”.  Whatever method you decide for adding to your password, you will apply this method to all passwords for all sites.  Therefore, if you chose the second method indicated above, your password for citibank, would be “PurplecitibankFriendlyWombat37!”.

That’s it.  You now only need to remember one root password, which is most likely already more complex and secure than most of the passwords you’re already using, but with the addition of the website, or organization name you’ve got a different password for every site.

Annoyingly, a few organizations require password changes on a regular basis (30, 60, 90 days, or so).  This is irritating for everyone concerned, from the users, to the support desks that constantly have to deal with forgotten passwords.  This method doesn’t handle situations like this.  You’re on your own there.

Brooklyn Bridge Park Condos

[UPDATED 2]  I’ve included a similar satellite view comparison.

[UPDATED] I’ve replaced the previous photo with one taken much closer to the location of photo showing the National Cold Storage warehouse.

There’s considerable agitation in Brooklyn Heights about the height of the new Brooklyn Bridge Park condos a.k.a. “Pierhouse”.  It seems that many of us have forgotten how tall the cold storage warehouse was.  I scoured the internet to try and find a photograph taken from the Promenade that matched the view of a photo I took a few weeks ago.  On reflection, I should have done that the other way around.

This rough comparison, which is from a pretty close vantage point shows that the new condo building is marginally taller, but probably not as much as everyone thinks it is.

Use the slider to compare the two.


Satellite view:


What’s Wrong? – Part 1

What’s wrong?  I’ll tell you what’s wrong.

Here I am in New York City.  I pull up the Apple Map on my iPhone running iOS8.  I type the following string to search for an address “71 West Broa“.  This offers two suggestions, one in England the other in Australia.  I continue typing making the string “71 West Broadway“.  Up comes an option in New York City, presumably the one I’m after.  I select that suggestion only to receive the response “No Results Found, OK”. OK?  No, not OK.

I think a bit and edit the string to be “71 W Broadway”, I select the suggestion offered in New York City, and it finds it.

What’s wrong?  –  That’s what’s wrong!


Windows 8 – Lessons Learned

I got a great deal on a Samsung Ultrabook.  The person I was buying it for was most insistent that it didn’t have a touchscreen, which was a feature surprisingly hard to find.  It also came with Windows 8 pre-installed.  I reasoned that it couldn’t be that different.

Lessons Learned:

If you get a laptop with Windows 8 the first thing you need to do is switch the thing on and see what all the fuss is about.  This means you have to register it with email address(es), your phone number(?), and a password.  That password has to be all mixed upper/lower case, and can’t contain any part of your email address.  No problem, perfectly understandable precautions.

The first thing you’ll see is the new “tiled” layout screen, which disappears off to the right of the screen, containing a whole bunch of apps that Samsung has helpfully installed for you.  Most of which you won’t want.  How do you scroll right?  Well, since you don’t have a touch screen, this is way more awkward that it should be, but with a little trial and error, and by hooking a mouse up, instead of trying to use that awful touchpad; we find that the scroll wheel does what it should and scrolls nicely.  We’ll come back and fix this tile interface later on.

The very first thing you should do is get online and download about 87 Windows 8.0 updates.  If you try to do this without first responding to the confirmation email from Microsoft, which is sent after you complete your registration, the progress bar will quite happily sit there flashing away FOR EVER.

So, after completing the registration process, make sure you respond to the email from Microsoft.

If you have decided to upgrade to Windows 8.1 (advised), follow the instructions and go to the store.  You will NOT be able to find the upgrade anywhere in the store, or online at  This is because you have to install all those updates (see above) before the store will allow you access to the 8.1 upgrade.

So, start the updates.  The progress bar will sit there flashing away for about 5 minutes, making you wonder what’s wrong now, before beginning to show some activity.

Go for a long walk.  Those updates are going to take a while.

After updating, rebooting, and updating some more, you are now ready to upgrade to Windows 8.1.  Go to the store and you’ll find the option to upgrade visible.

Begin the download of the 2.9GB!!!!!!!! upgrade package.  Words fail me.

Go for another long walk.  I don’t care how great your broadband connection is, you’re going to hit Microsoft’s servers, and they sure as hell aren’t going to be moving like greased lightning.

Finally, after the obligatory reboot, and more acceptance of terms and conditions, you’re back at that tiled page again.  Since you didn’t spend too long looking at it the last time, it’s hard to tell if anything actually changed.  The “internet” says it changed, and that it’s all for the better, but who knows.

Now I’m no luddite, but when it comes to paradigms for interfaces on a machine to be used as a DESKTOP computer then there’s one thing I like to see and be able to interact with, and that’s a DESKTOP.  So a little research and a speedy download later, although not through the Microsoft “Store“, but their own website (, we arrive at the very useful and thoroughly essential “Classic Shell”, coupled with the configuration to boot directly to the desktop, and voila! A functioning ultrabook running Windows 8.1


Google Apps API and Ruby – Part 2

My last post dealt with calling Google Apps API methods from a Ruby script.  I had hoped that I’d be able to do everything I needed with RESTful methods, but after a short while it became increasingly difficult, and I had to resign to using the Google API client GEM.  Initially I was resistant to using the pre-packaged solution as I like to know what’s going on under-the-hood when I’m interfacing with something, but it became apparent that the advantages to using the GEM far outweighed the simplicity of RESTful calls, especially with some of the APIs that I was going to be interfacing with.

As it turns out there are some very good reasons to use the google-api-client gem.  Since you can easily inspect the object’s methods and properties you can determine all the methods associated with an API.  For instance, to get the methods available for the version 3 Calendar api, once you’ve created a client object do the following:

api = client.discovered_api('calendar', 'v3')
puts api.methods

Nice right?

Even more useful is the ability to determine the APIs available, and their version numbers:

puts "Title \t ID \t Preferred"
client.discovered_apis.each do |gapi|
  puts "#{gapi.title} \t #{} \t #{gapi.preferred}"

And that gives you a great start for attacking the Google API documentation.

There are some additional differences for creating a client connection.  You’ll need to have a private key file accessible to your script, on top of the usual server-side configurations.  You’ll also need to check out the advantages of using a “service account client”, which allow you to run API calls as a specific user, which is extremely useful when dealing with the somewhat flawed Google Apps access security model.

RESTful Google APIs, OAuth2, and Ruby

So you’re all excited to find out that the new Google APIs use RESTful methods, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc.  And you’ve done some simple tests with calls that only require an inline key.  Everything looks good.  Now you want to do some scripting with Ruby, but all the examples on the Google site use the “google/api_client” gem, and that’s not very RESTful, even if it does bundle the OAuth2 class in it.

So task number one is to deal with OAuth2.  OAuth2 looks like a pain.  You’ve got to register your application, get a client key and secret code, use that to make an HTTP request for a token, and it all looks a little manual. You can read all about it elsewhere, but if you want to start accessing the Google APIs, you’re going to have to deal with it.  A great place to play around with the APIs and how they work in conjunction with OAuth2 is to use another Google resource, the OAuth2 Playground:, this will show you how to define your calls, and shows all the responses.  Very handy for testing things out.

Avoiding the temptation to try to automate the manual authorization step, a little digging around and you can find someone has already done the heavy lifting: To paraphrase their code into a single ruby file, we get this:

require 'sinatra'
require 'oauth2'
require 'json'

G_API_CLIENT= "{your-client-key}"

# Scopes are space separated strings
 SCOPES = [''].join(' ')

def client
 client ||=, G_API_SECRET, {
 :site => '',
 :authorize_url => "/o/oauth2/auth",
 :token_url => "/o/oauth2/token"

get '/' do
 redirect client.auth_code.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => redirect_uri,:scope => SCOPES,:access_type => "offline")

get '/oauth2callback' do
 access_token = client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => redirect_uri)
 puts "Successfully authenticated with the server"

#this is where our API call is going to go
 response = access_token.get('{your-calendar-id}').parsed

def redirect_uri
 uri = URI.parse(request.url)
 uri.path = '/oauth2callback'
 uri.query = nil

In this example the script is going to retrieve the calendar metadata settings for the calendar identified by {your-calendar-id}.  Because we’ve used the “.parsed” method, it will return the metadata as a hash.  You can access the hash by normal methods, ie. response["id"]

A couple of notes here:

  • You’re going to need to register with Google to get your API access.  All of this can be done here:
  • When you create your API access ID you’ll need to define what APIs your client is going to access.  These you define in the SCOPES variable, but you’ll also need to define them in the APIs console (see above).  To find the correct string for the scopes you’ll need to dig around in the API reference for the Google API you want to use.  A good place to start digging is here:, click on the API and find the link for the “reference”.
  • Because I’m not going to start trying to parse the re-direct, when you run this, you’re going to need to open a browser and point it at the defined sinatra address (normally: http://localhost:4567).  This will is open up a dialog with Google in order to validate your credentials and issue your script with an OAuth2 token, which will then execute the code in the redirect URI (/oauth2callback).

So that’s the way most of the GET calls are going to be handled, but what about POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE?  You’re going to need to start passing parameters.  Let’s see an example also using the calendar API, where we create an event in our calendar.

To add a calendar event we need to use a POST method, fortunately the OAuth2 class provides methods for all these calls.

response='{your-calendar-id}/events') do |request|
 request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
 request.body='{"end": {"dateTime": "2013-07-21T10:30:00.0z"},"start": {"dateTime": "2013-07-20T10:30:00.0z"}}'
 # check response.status, works if it's 200
 json = JSON.parse(response.body)
 #access a specific response value
 puts json['id']

Note that we’ve removed the “.parsed” method from the access_token method and added some parameters to the inherited faraday client HTTP object’s request variable.  The addition of “Content-Type” allows us to pass the parameters as json, as well as receive the response in that format.  Again, playing around in the OAuth2 playground (see above) can really help speed up getting your json data formatting squared away.

Google Calendar API – Update

Google updated their calendar API (from version 2 to version 3), and how much simpler it all is.  No more “gdata” objects, the whole thing has been moved to a RESTful model with the data being returned as JSON. Accessing the calendar data couldn’t be simpler using AJAX from a web page.

xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
 if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
 var obj = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
 var elem = obj.items;
 elem.forEach(function(entry) {

where ‘’ is your calendar ID, which can be found in the web interface to your calendar, under “settings”.  The “key” is the authentication key, which you’ll need to setup through the API console, accessible here:  You can also configure the key so that its use can be restricted by referrer, so that only specific sites can make use of it.

Version Number Madness

I don’t know who started it.  It probably wasn’t Microsoft, but Windows 95 is definitely a bit-player in the confusing story of how software companies mismanage their version numbers.

I used to work for a software company at the end of the eighties.  Early in our product’s development, a methodology for handling the version number was conceived.  It was pretty straightforward, which meant that a version number of 2.4b referred to Version 2 of the product, with minor updates numbering 4, and it was on its third patch.  Customers with support contracts got free upgrades as long as the major version didn’t change.

Microsoft Windows initially adopted a pretty sane version numbering scheme.  Everything was fine up to Windows 3.11, then suddenly we were at Windows 95, followed by Windows 98, a bewildering Windows 98 SE (Second Edition), Windows Millennium Edition (designed to conflict with Windows 2000, its NT cousin?).  What a mess!  What was so great about 1995?  But under the hood, the major version numbers were still ticking over.  Windows 95/98/Me = Version 4, Windows XP = Version 5, Windows Vista = Version 6, and then back to numbers again with Windows 7, and the list is soon to supplemented by Windows 8.  But wait! Under the covers Windows 7 is actually Windows  version 6.1.  That makes no sense.  I mean it really doesn’t.  Apparently the reason for this is to allow software that checks for compatibility to run correctly.  Specifically, software written to run in Vista will run in Windows 7.  This is stupid.  Windows 8 will be version 6.2!  So, Microsoft has decided to follow Sun’s equally nonsensical version naming of Solaris. Solaris’ version numbering was never going to make much sense.  Solaris 1 was really SunOS 4.1.  Not really unusual to re-number with a re-brand. Solaris 2 was SunOS 5.0, and things were OK up to 2.6, which was SunOS 5.6, then it went all wonky.  SunOS 5.7 became Solaris 7.  Sure, a 64-bit OS is a big deal and deserves a major version change, but why not update the SunOS version at the same time?

Don’t even get me started on Pentiums, OS X, or Adobe CS!