Category Archives: Design

In praise of simplicity

In the early nineties, I knew and worked with several Apple Mac users. They would enthuse about how easy and uncomplicated Macs were.  At the time I was building convention exhibits which depended on esoteric input and output devices, the kind of hardware and interfaces that really didn’t mesh well with Macs.  I railed against the “closed” nature of Macs.  That you needed special tools to get in the thing.  That they used non-standard connectors, and that annoying jack-in-a-box ResEdit program that was essential to get the machine to do anything non-standard.  But being a student of good interface design, I recognized that there was a useful logic to dictating the “correct” format of dialog boxes.  It meant that a user’s experience would be consistent across different packages.  This was why non-computer-science users liked these machines, there was a constancy about their interaction.  It made sense.  To contrast with the legendary MS-DOS message “Abort, Retry, Ignore?”, really?  Did anyone ever get something useful, by selecting “Ignore”?  Did anyone ever really code to handle an “Ignore”?  There was a design rule that Mac dialog boxes should always have no more than two options.  Simple, right?  There were exceptions.  Kai Software had a product called Bryce.  Everyone raged about how great the interface was, how innovative, how exciting.  It wasn’t.  It had a hidden menu system, options only revealed themselves when you moused over a part of the screen.  Beautiful?  Maybe.  But ridiculously hard to use.  Some users seemed to revel in its obscure nature, but it failed on a usability level.  Using it felt like you were playing Myst, randomly moving the mouse around to see if it changed icon, or revealed an option.  Fun in a game, utter crap in a software interface.

You see, people like simple stuff.  The number of people who couldn’t program their VCR (video cassette recorder, for you younger readers) is legendary, the flashing “12:00” was always a dead giveaway at your grandparent’s house.  Someone came up with a great idea in TV guides, a number next to the show you wanted to record, which you entered on your remote, and Bingo! the show was programmed.  This was even improved with a bar code, and the remote updated to include a scanner, eliminating the embarrassment of entering the code for Care Bears, and ending up with Showtime After Midnight programming.  Simple is good, it encourages people to use products more, and more use means more money.

Google’s search, when it was first released onto the world was simple.  Just a text box.  They liked it.  Critics praised its simplicity.  Users loved its simplicity.  The page loaded in a flash, you typed in your search, and chances are the thing you were looking for was on the first page of returned results.  All that “complex” search language that you’d learned in AltaVista was unnecessary.  Google just worked.  So why is it all now messed up?  There are slabs of Javascript all over the main page (about 22KB).  You can actually start typing before it’s fully loaded.  As soon as you start typing, the page re-configures itself, the text box moves.  As you move the mouse away from the text, you roll over another “hot” area and half the page explodes with content giving you a preview, only to vanish immediately as you mouse out.  “What the hell was that?  Did you see that?  Did I just have a pop-up?”, you can see the less technology savvy grandparents backing away from the keyboard already.  Oh, I’m sure it’s clever, I’m sure there’s a reason, but listen, you just made it more complicated.  You have just alienated an albeit small group of users, but you made something that didn’t need to be any more than a text box more complicated.  In the ’90s, AltaVista got a “Webby” award for placing an additional search box at the bottom of the results page.  Something so simple and obvious, was truly appreciated as useful.  Google just took their textbox at the bottom of screen away.  Why?  How could something that was so well received when it was implemented that it got an award be deemed no longer necessary?  Was it to fit in with Google’s new look?  Was it a loss of functionality to fit a visual design shift?  Was it elevating form over function?

The advantages of simple interfaces have been demonstrated time and time again.  It might even be accurate to say that Apple’s current status is a direct result of this line of design.  Although, I’d be happy if someone could explain iTunes’ chaotic user interface to me!  Simple is good.  Simple works.  Simple is efficient.  Ask anyone who’s tried to pay their AT&T wireless phone bill from a weak wi-fi connection in Mexico, how much they enjoyed waiting for that Adobe Flash intro to download and play on the opening page, and I think you’ll begin to get the picture. 

You see, everyone’s getting in on the game.  Facebook just announced “Timeline”, a new interface to your page, and what’s this?  A customizable header?  Part of the popularity of Facebook was its simple, clean interface.  Everyone’s page looked pretty much the same.  Now we have what looks like the start of an attempt to make Facebook as customizable as, say MySpace, and that’s a great looking site, right?  I don’t know what the equivalent of the flashing “12:00” on a VCR is for a website, but I do know that less is more when it comes to interface design, and if you were famous for having less and start adding more, you’re probably making a mistake.

On the subject of soda cans

I bought a can of Coke today, which is fairly rare for me.  On the way home I noticed that the top looked a little bit different than usual, and I was reminded of conversations I had in the early Nineties, when the shape of soda cans noticeably changed last.

The change that happened in the Nineties was that a crease appeared near the top of the can.  At work where industrial design was a common topic of conversation, various theories were suggested for this.  One of which was that it was to allow the contents to expand if the can should be stored below freezing.  It seemed vaguely plausible and I didn’t give it much thought until some years later, when I decided to find out once and for all what the real reason for the change was.  After some lengthy and devious boolean searches on AltaVista, I came across a research/presentation paper by the company that owned the patent on the new can design.  I turned out that the freezing theory was very much wrong.  The real reason for the switch was to reduce the weight of the can, thereby saving money on raw materials and shipping.  The new design eliminated the solid base of the can, as well as reducing the amount of aluminum required for the top, without compromising the rigidity of the container.  The savings were actually quite impressive.

I suppose that someone has improved on the design once more.  The top looks even smaller in diameter, and has a deeper groove.

The continual optimization of design always impresses me, especially when it shows up in something that most of us would consider mundane, such as a soda can.  But it’s going on all around us, all the time.  Not because of a philanthropic drive to improve our consumption of natural resources, but to maximize profit and increase efficiency of effort.  Even still, it’s nice to know that somewhere, someone is thinking, or being to told to think about ways to improve something.

Interlude – Think Different!

A few years ago Apple ran a campaign picturing some famous and renowned “free thinkers” under the concept “Think Different!”. The idea being that people who used Apple products were creative and able to put their stamp on the technology being used.

My wife asked to put one of my sounds on her iPhone for use as a ringtone. Simple, right?

Turns out that getting your own content onto an iPhone is much harder than it should be. Even once you’ve achieved that, assigning your file to be a ringtone exceeded my patience. I understand that Apple makes systems that are “simple” to use, removing a lot of the sometimes unnecessary clutter, but time and time again, I find that they leave out key features, or actively prevent you from being able to perform the simplest of actions. The default Mail program in OSX has no ability to download “headers only”, which seems to me, to be a fundamental option.

It’s not so much “Think Different”, as “Think the same as us”, which seems to be reflected in the new platforms such as the iPhone and iPad. These devices are “consumer” interfaces, portals into functionality, which you, the user have little or no control.